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The Role of Community Members in Enhancing Primary School Leaners Academic Achievement.

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dc.creator MUSHI, Frida 2022-02-17T09:04:10Z 2022-02-17T09:04:10Z 2017 2022-10-21T10:11:22Z 2022-10-21T10:11:22Z
dc.description The main aim of this study was to assess the role of community members in enhancing primary school academic achievement. The study focused on three schools located in Babati District Tanzania. This study was guided by three objectives where the first, it sought to identify the roles of community member in enhancing academic achievement. The second was to find out how community members support teachers and the third objective was to explore what should be done to promote more community active participation in the schools. A mixed methods research approach and convergent parallel research design was applied. The targeted population of this study was 1818 community members, data was collected through questionnaires, focus group discussion and in-depth interviews. More so, community members support teachers when performing their roles. The study revealed that, 91.1% of community members support teachers by providing social services, 71.7% support teachers with good cooperation while 75.6% support teachers by giving them respect. On what should be done to promote community members participation in enhancing the academic achievement the study revealed that, there is a need of providing education to community members, improvement of school community partnership policy and increase transparency. The study recommends that, the government should provide a policy that enforces community participation in the schools.
dc.format application/pdf
dc.language en
dc.publisher SAUT
dc.subject Academic Achievement
dc.title The Role of Community Members in Enhancing Primary School Leaners Academic Achievement.
dc.type Thesis

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