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Evaluation of performance of Norwegian dairy goats in Mgeta Morogoro

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dc.creator Sonola, Valery Silvery 2017-03-02T14:27:50Z 2017-03-02T14:27:50Z 2015 2022-10-25T08:50:51Z 2022-10-25T08:50:51Z
dc.description This study was conducted to evaluate the performance of different crosses of Norwegian dairy goats raised by farmers in Mgeta, Morogoro using data collected for three years. Growth of goats, age at first kidding (AFK), kidding interval (KI) and lactation traits were evaluated. The general linear model (GLM) procedure of the statistical analysis system (SAS) was used in data analysis. Correlations between the factors were assessed by using a multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA). Overall mean body weights at birth, weaning (3 months), 6 and 9 months were 3.27±0.04kg, 12.79±0.09kg, 20.98±0.17 kg and 28.33±0.19 kg respectively. Male kids were heavier (3.51±0.07 kg) at birth than the females (3.20±0.07 kg). In terms of growth, males had higher growth rate (100.84 g/day) compared to the females (82.14 g/day). The mean values of AFK and KI were 17.25±0.14 months and 10.17±0.19 months respectively. Twin born does kidded later (17.64±0.25 months) than the single does (16.37±0.24 months). The estimated twinning rate (TR) was 52.19%. Regarding the lactation (LMY) and monthly milk yields (MMY), about 322.24±7.15 litres and 42.82±0.78 litres were obtained respectively. The average lactation length (LL) and dry off periods (DP) were 7.15±0.14 months and 84.47±3.64 days respectively. The overall pre and post-weaning mortality rates were 14.49% and 5.6% respectively with fewer mortalities during the dry season (August and September). Genetic improvement of the goats should not exceed 75% of Norwegian blood level for optimum performance.
dc.description Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology (COSTECH)
dc.format application/pdf
dc.language en
dc.publisher Sokoine University of Agriculture
dc.subject Evaluation
dc.subject Dairy goats
dc.subject Mgeta
dc.subject Morogoro
dc.subject Norwegian dairy goats
dc.title Evaluation of performance of Norwegian dairy goats in Mgeta Morogoro
dc.type Thesis

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