This research article published by Elsevier Ltd., 2021
Phosphorus (P) is a vital plant macronutrient required for plant growth which usually available in
limited amount. P availability for plant uptake in highly weathered soil is controlled by soil erosion
and high fixation. The availability of P applied from fertilizers depend on the soil pH, soil sorption
capacity (PSC) and P saturation status (PSD), which determines P storage, losses, fixation, and
additional P to be added with minimal loss to the environment. PSC and PSD are agroenvironmental
and PSD of agricultural soils had been never studied in Tanzanian soils. This study was
conducted to assess and estimate P availability, PSC and PSD and the risks of P losses in tropical
soils from Usangu basin popular for paddy farming. In total, 198 soil samples from 10 paddy
irrigation schemes were collected (November–December 2019) and analyzed for inherent P
(PM3), metal oxides of Aluminium (Al M3), iron (Fe M3), and calcium (Ca M3) as main PSC and
PSD determinant. The determined concentrations were in range of; P M3 014.9–974.69 mg/kg, Al
M3 234.56–3789.36 mg/kg, Fe M3 456.78–2980.23 mg/kg, and Ca M3 234.67–973.34 mg/kg.
Estimated PSCM3 ranged 5.62–34.85 mmol/kg with a mean value of 14.14 mmol/kg
corresponding to high status, ensuring high P holding capacity for plant uptake. However, some
soils had very low PSCM3 creating a risk of P loss to environment. Among soils, the estimated
PSD M3 ranged from 0.01 to 17.57% and was below (<24%), indicating low P loss risks to surface
and groundwater, however, some soils were observed to have PSDM3 above 15% which
correspond to a critical degree of phosphate saturation of 25% in a watershed using oxalate
extraction method. Therefore some sites were associated with high P loss to the environment,
immediate and precautionary actions for sustainable P management to increase productivity,
environmental safety and sustainability are needed to be in place.