Research Article published by Hindawi Publishing Corporation International Journal of Microbiology
The aim of this study was to identify the replicon types of plasmids, conjugation efficiencies, and the complement of antibiotic
resistance genes for a panel of multidrug resistant E. coli isolates from surface waters in northern Tanzania. Standard membrane
filtration was used to isolate and uidA PCR was used to confirm the identity of strains as E. coli. Antibiotic susceptibility was
determined by breakpoint assay and plasmid conjugation was determined by filter-mating experiments. PCR and sequencing were
used to identify resistance genes and PCR-based replicon typing was used to determine plasmid types. Filter mating experiments
indicated conjugation efficiencies ranged from 10−1 to 10−7. Over 80% of the donor cells successfully passed their resistance traits
and eleven different replicon types were detected (IncI1, FIC, P, FIIA,A/C, FIB, FIA,H12, K/B B/O, and N). IncF plasmids weremost
commonly detected (49% of isolates), followed by types IncI1 and IncA/C. Detection of these public health-relevant conjugative
plasmids and antibiotic resistant traits in Tanzanian water suggests the possible pollution of these water sources from human,
livestock, and wild animal wastes and also shows the potential of these water sources in the maintenance and transmission of these
resistance traits between environments, animals, and people.