Research Article published by IOP Publishing Ltd
Implementation of socially acceptable and environmentally desirable solutions to soil erosion
challenges is often limited by (1) fundamental gaps between the evidence bases of different disciplines
and (2) an implementation gap between science-based recommendations, policy makers and
practitioners.Wepresent an integrated, interdisciplinary approach to support co-design of land
management policy tailored to the needs of specific communities and places in degraded pastoral land
in the East African Rift System. In a northern Tanzanian case study site, hydrological and sedimentary
evidence shows that, over the past two decades, severe drought and increased livestock have reduced
grass cover, leading to surface crusting, loss of soil aggregate stability, and lower infiltration capacity.
Infiltration excess overland flow has driven (a) sheet wash erosion, (b) incision along convergence
pathways and livestock tracks, and (c) gully development, leading to increased hydrological
connectivity. Stakeholder interviews in associated sedenterising Maasai communities identified
significant barriers to adoption of soil conservation measures, despite local awareness of problems.
Barriers were rooted in specific pathways of vulnerability, such as a strong cattle-based cultural
identity, weak governance structures, and a lack of resources and motivation for community action to
protect shared land. At the same time, opportunities for overcoming such barriers exist, through
openness to change and appetite for education and participatory decision-making. Guided by
specialist knowledge from natural and social sciences, we used a participatory approach that enabled
practitioners to start co-designing potential solutions, increasing their sense of efficacy and willingness
to change practice. This approach, tested in East Africa, provides a valuable conceptual model around
which other soil erosion challenges in the Global South might be addressed.