Full text can be accessed at the following link http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/00908320903285398
Marine protected areas (MPAs), including MPA networks, have become an indispensable tool for marine conservation. This article undertakes a comparative discussion of the domestic governance frameworks of Mozambique, South Africa, and Tanzania in view of the efforts of these three states to scale up their MPA cooperation in the East African Marine Ecoregion (EAME) to include MPA networks, including transboundary MPAs. Although on many issues there appears to be regional solidarity and convergence on principles, including participatory processes and decision making to guide MPA making, there are significant differences on lead roles, institutional structures, access to public information, and conflict management, among others, which would need to be factored in MPA cooperation. Other important factors for regional MPA cooperation include policy directions on shared concerns such as conservation and development values with emphasis on equitable resource use and poverty alleviation.