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Food security: The role of urban and peri-urban agriculture. A case of Dar es Salaam City, Tanzania

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dc.creator Malekela, Asnath. A
dc.creator Nyomora, Agnes M.S. 2019-04-05T11:42:33Z 2019-04-05T11:42:33Z 2018-08-04 2021-05-07T09:22:04Z 2021-05-07T09:22:04Z
dc.identifier 2223-7054
dc.description This study examined the contribution of urban and peri-urban agriculture (UPA) on food security in Dar es Salaam city. With the massive population increase in most cities in the world, food insecurity has become a challenge. One of the responses to this is promotion of urban and peri-urban agriculture (UPA). Primary and secondary data were collected using structured questionnaires, in-depth interviews, direct observations, focus group discussions and literature survey. About 201 respondents engaging in urban and peri-urban agriculture were interviewed. Also, 100 local market traders from 10 local markets, and 7 supermarket managers from 7 representatives supermarkets in Dar es Salaam city were interviewed. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20 was used to analyze the data. The findings revealed that UPA had a positive contribution to food security as it was observed that the main aim of 84% of the farmers who engaged in crop production was to get food and income. In the surveyed local markets about 47% of food products were sourced from UPA, also, 6080% of vegetables and 57.1% of the eggs sold in the surveyed supermarkets were sourced from UPA. The study recommends adoption of modern technology for better output with use of limited land and water resources. Also available policies supporting UPA should be reviewed for its sustainable development.
dc.description African Climate Change Adaptation Initiatives (ACCAI) project under the Center for Climate Change Studies (CCCS) of the University of Dar es Salaam
dc.language en
dc.publisher INNSPUB
dc.relation ;ijaar 2018 0134
dc.subject Urban and Peri-urban Agriculture, Food security
dc.title Food security: The role of urban and peri-urban agriculture. A case of Dar es Salaam City, Tanzania
dc.type Journal Article, Peer Reviewed

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