Dissertation (MSc in Accounting and Finance)
This study was conducted aiming at understanding the emerging trends and factors determining export performances of livestock products in Tanzania for forty four years from 1970-2013, for meat and thirty years from 1985/86-1914/15 for hides and skins. Specifically the study examined the trend and performance of livestock products exports in Tanzania; to analyze factors that determine export of domestic animals products such as meat, skins and hides in Tanzania and identify the potentials that will help mitigate the hardships in the sector and harness the opportunities in the supply chain. Two regression models were estimated for meat, hides and skins exports. Empirical results and analysis indicated that trade openness and real exchange rate were significant to export performance in all sectors that is total export. The study revealed further that the real GDP to be positive and statistically significant in influencing. However, inflation rate and terms of trade were found significant determinants to meat and but was insignificant for hides and skin exports. This study therefore recommends that there is a need to improve export performances targeting the smallholder livestock keepers, livestock quality so as to expand the local and non-local exports. Study further recommends to formulate favorable trade policies, improving trade openness, create, trade facilitations and good environment for both local and external investors, to invest in modern abattoirs.