Full Text Article. Also available at: http://www.openscienceonline.com/journal/ajees
This study assesses the contribution of small scale mining towards environmental degradation. Field observation, insitu
measurements and laboratory analysis were conducted to determine environmental consequences caused by poor adherence to
standard mining practices by artisanal and small scale miners in Ashiraq Mines in Tanzania. Field observation revealed
significant land and soil disturbance in the study area such as the existence of abandoned old workings. Direct measurements
of pH values for water samples from the nearby river revealed higher acidity on the downstream than the upstream side of the
river. Estimates of Mercury concentrations in the atmosphere showed a significant addition of Mercury due to amalgam
burning. Also laboratory analysis of water samples from the nearby river was done using the Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy
(AAS) to determine Mercury contents in surface water. The analysis revealed high levels of Mercury concentrations in
downstream water above recommended values. Mercury contents for the upstream samples were relatively lower than the
upstream values but also lower than the recommended values. The study also recommends different measures to be undertaken
by regulatory authorities to improve awareness and adherence to standard mining practices for artisanal and small scale miners,
to reduce environmental consequences related to small scale mining.