Full Text Article. Also available at: http://journals.udsm.ac.tz/index.php/uj/article/download/2333/2416
Tanzania has embarked on several radical measures to restructure its economy and
governance structures, including local governments. For more than four decades,
Tanzania has been striving relentlessly for effective decentralisation measures, yet
the progress has been slow. The country has passed through several phases of
decentralisation, with each phase inheriting some criticised characteristics that have
been difficult to dismantle in the successive phases. For example, previously
recognised mistakes have continued to block any attempts to diverge from the
direction set by the Ujamaa policies. It is argued here that various attempts at
decentralisation by the central government since the 1960s in Tanzania have fallen
short of the government’s intentions to establish effective local governance. This
being the case, two important questions prevail: Why has Tanzania made little
progress towards effective decentralisation, despite various attempts to devolve
powers from the centre? Why has Tanzania not fully decentralised, as echoed in the
policy paper on Decentralisation-by-Devolution (D-by-D)? There have been a
number of explanations for this retardation along the path to decentralisation. This
article reflects upon the tenability of path dependency theory which posits that the
longer an institution has been in place, the more resilient it is to change.