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The status of guidance and counselling to students with disabilities in inclusive secondary schools in Tanzania

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dc.creator Ndumbaro, Alodia A 2021-01-13T05:29:39Z 2021-01-13T05:29:39Z 2020 2022-10-20T14:15:51Z 2022-10-20T14:15:51Z
dc.identifier Ndumbaro, A. A. (2020). The status of guidance and counselling to students with disabilities in inclusive secondary schools in Tanzania (Master’s dissertation). The University of Dodoma, Dodoma
dc.description Dissertation (MA Education)
dc.description The study's purpose was to explore the status of guidance and counselling services to students with disabilities in inclusive secondary schools. The study focused on three specific objectives: to explore the accessibility of the school environment to the provision of guidance and counselling services (GCSs) to students with disabilities (SwD), to explore the GCSs provided to SwD in inclusive secondary schools, to investigate the challenges of GCSs provided to students with disabilities in inclusive secondary schools. The study was guided by the client-centred theory. This study was conducted in Dar es Salaam City. It employed a qualitative approach with exploratory research design. It comprised a sample of "54" participants who were purposely selected. The participants were the heads of schools, school counsellors, class masters and mistresses as well as students with disabilities. Data were collected through interviews, focus group discussion (FGD), documentary review, and observations. Data were analysed through thematic analysis. The study found out that, guidance and counselling were accessible to SwD in inclusive secondary schools with varying degrees because counselling environment differs. The study also identified different challenges including lack of funds allocated for GCSs to SwD, shortage of guidance and counselling (GC) facilities and communication barriers. The other challenges were mistrust for teacher counsellors and lack of in-service training among teacher counsellors. The study therefore recommends that the government should employ specialist counsellors who will deal with counselling while teachers continue with teaching and other work related to. Also, recommends that funds are needed in counselling unity to solve and maintain SwD dignity. In respect to future research, this study recommends further studies to be conducted to SwD in boarding schools.
dc.language en
dc.publisher The University of Dodoma
dc.subject Counselling
dc.subject Guidance and counselling
dc.subject Secondary schools
dc.subject guidance and counselling services
dc.subject GCSs
dc.subject Tanzania
dc.subject Disabilities
dc.subject Guidance
dc.subject Students with disabilities
dc.subject inclusive education
dc.title The status of guidance and counselling to students with disabilities in inclusive secondary schools in Tanzania
dc.type Dissertation

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