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Sustainability of income generating groups of widow and PLWA: a case of Dodoma municipality

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dc.creator Mwandiga, Edward 2019-08-18T10:27:14Z 2019-08-18T10:27:14Z 2015 2022-10-20T12:07:26Z 2022-10-20T12:07:26Z
dc.identifier Mwandiga, E. (2015). Sustainability of income generating groups of widow and PLWA: A case of Dodoma municipality. Dodoma: The University of Dodoma
dc.description Dissertation (MA Development Studies)
dc.description This study, has assessed the sustainability of income generating groups of widows and PLWA in income poverty reduction in Tanzania, whereby the study was carried out in rural settings of Dodoma Municipality. The study aimed specifically to assess the contribution of income generating groups in household income, strategies that were used to sustain income generating groups and to identify income generating activities that were performed by the groups. Data were collected from a sample of 60 respondents through various methods such as questionnaires, targeting to widows and PLWA who were involved in Income generating groups and interviews with key informants, were used as data gathering instruments. It was found out that, despite widow and PLWA working in groups, there was a little achievement have been realized, however, income poverty, is widespread among widow and PLWA their lives not changed significantly as it was planned. Therefore, it is recommended to mobilize widow and PLWA to establish non-farm activities to complement incomes, obtained from farm activities. Where special skills are needed to establish certain off-farm activities, again TASAF should build capacity of vulnerable groups in income generating groups, to be able to run off-farm activities, also be empowered through education and training, and economic empowerment by way of having access to loans, to improve their enterprises in order to reduce income poverty among widows and PLWA, households, community level in the study area.
dc.language en
dc.publisher The University of Dodoma
dc.subject Income generating groups
dc.subject Widows income
dc.subject People Living with Aids income
dc.subject Tanzania
dc.subject Household income
dc.subject Poverty reduction
dc.subject Dodoma Municipality
dc.subject Poverty
dc.subject Tanzania
dc.subject PLWA
dc.title Sustainability of income generating groups of widow and PLWA: a case of Dodoma municipality
dc.type Dissertation

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