A Research Dissertation Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Award of the Degree of Master of Science in Human Resource Management (MSc-HRM) of Mzumbe University Dar es Salaam Campus College
The study was about the Effectiveness of Training and Development of Teachers. The main objective of the study was to assess the influence of training and development of teachers on turnover and change of carder. The study assessed the training programs available in Ilala Municipal Council, it also investigated if there were a link between teachers’ career development and teachers’ turnover or change of carder and the study wanted to know the factors influencing teachers’ turnover or change of carder at training.
The study used questionnaires that were disseminated to the management, head of schools, head of departments, teachers and students from three secondary and primary schools. These schools were Azania, Tambaza and Jangwani secondary schools and Muhimbili, Diamond and Uhuru Primary schools in Ilala Municipal Council. The total numbers of 120 questionnaires were distributed to the individuals concerned in this study. Judgmental non probability sampling was used to select the respondents from the schools. The study also used interview and observation. Secondary data related to the study were collected from books, internet, journals, and internal documents from Ilala Municipal Council.
The study found that there were number of training programs which were adopted by the Ilala Municipal council such as seminars, work shops, short courses and long courses. These courses were not effectively and efficiently done to ensure equal training and career development to all teachers in the Municipal. The study also discovered that there was no relationship between career development and teachers’ turnover or change of carder. The study also discovered the factors influencing teachers’ turnover and change of carder such as lack of recognition, poor motivation, lack of fair promotion, poor working environment, and lack of teachers’ advancement sponsorship from the Municipal. The study recommended to the government and education officer to formulate policies rules, regulations and procedures to guide teachers training and career development. The study has also recommended for further study to include many schools.