Archives virology 2008, Vol. 153: 337–342
Treatment of porcine kidney (PK-15) cells with
either interferon-gamma (IFN-g) or endosomallysosomal
system acidification inhibitors increases
replication of porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2). In
the present study, the effect of a combination of
these treatments on the number of infected cells
and virus yield was tested. The number of PCV2
(Stoon-1010)-infected PK-15 cells increased in
cells treated with ammonium chloride (445 39%
increase), IFN-g (446 8%), ammonium chlorideþ
IFN-g (1721 283%), chloroquine diphosphate
(1037 121%), chloroquine diphosphateþIFN-g
(2199 255%), monensin (950 178%) and
monensinþIFN-g (1948 60%). Combined IFNg
and endosomal-lysosomal system acidification
inhibitors increased PCV2 yield by up to 50 times
compared to untreated PK-15. This augmented virus
replication in PK-15 cells may be helpful in the
production of PCV2 vaccines.