This paper reports on the history, features, and challenges of School-Based Professional
Learning Communities (SBPLCs) in China to elicit lessons for Tanzania towards
improving in-service teacher professional development. Based on the Chinese SBPLCs,
this review aims to provide some insights to educational planners and teachers in
Tanzania on how to establish and maintain effective school-based professional learning.
This analysis used 30 journal articles published over the past twelve years (2006-2017)
to provide research-based evidence. The findings indicate that Chinese schools have
registered significant achievements in SBPLCs by supporting teacher collaborative
learning and research in both rural and urban areas. As Tanzania strives to promote
school-based teacher professional development, several lessons are worth learning.
Thus, the study recommends that the country endorse professional learning at the
school level by developing explicit in-school policies, allocating time for teacherlearning, offering financial and material support to teachers, and encouraging teachers
to take charge of their professional learning.